Autorin bei der Europäischen Leitlinie für Mikronährstoffe (ESPEN)

In den letzten Jahren durfte ich unter der Führung von Prof. Mette Berger aus Lausanne an der Europäischen Leitlinie für Mikronährstoffe mitarbeiten (insbesondere bei den Themen Vitamin D, Eisen und Jod). Nach unzähligen Treffen und Arbeitsstunden ist diese 2022 nun im renommierten Journal „Clinical Nutrition“ als open access Publikation erschienen.

ESPEN micronutrient guideline

Die Empfehlungen für Vitamin D:
Recommendation 24.1
Vitamin D status may be determined in all patients considered at risk of vitamin D depletion or deficiency.
Grade of recommendation 0 / Strong consensus 92%

Recommendation 24.2
Status shall be determined by serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D).
Grade of recommendation A / Strong consensus 95%

Recommendation 24.3
Enteral nutrition shall provide at least 1000 IU (25 mg) per day
of vitamin D in 1500 kcal.
Grade of recommendation A / Strong consensus 95%

Recommendation 24.4
Parenteral nutrition should provide at least 200 IU (5 mg) of
vitamin D per day.
Grade of recommendation B / Strong consensus 95%
Some patients will have higher requirements, which should be
checked by a blood determination.

Recommendation 24.5
Vitamin D in doses 4000-5000 IU (100-125 mg) per day
should be administered for 2 months in patients with recurrent
deficiency to achieve blood levels of 25(OH)D between 40 and
60 ng/ml. Substantially higher doses might be required. Severity
of deficiency and dose required for treatment will determine
the frequency of blood determination for efficacy and safety.
Grade of recommendation B – Strong consensus 100%

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